Jeanette Brooks

8th Physical Science Teacher


Online Digital Learning

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I, Jeanette Brooks, am very excited and blessed to help our Bowdon children grow and succeed in Science and STEM education as they are the future members and leaders of our society. I have previously taught middle school science in Cobb and Douglas Counties before joining Bowdon Middle School of Carroll County in 2018! Currently I am earning an ED. S degree at Piedmont University in Curriculum & Instruction to augment my Master of Arts degree I hold from Central Michigan University. Also, I have earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Science and Mathematics from the University of West Georgia and I am certified in Gifted Education. Further, I am the Head Cheerleading Coach and Science Bowl Coach at Bowdon Middle School! Go Big B!


Ms. Jeanette Brooks
8th Physical Science Teacher
Head Cheerleading Coach
Head Science Bowl Coach
Bowdon Middle School